Cancer and the Cross by Chris Kemshell


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Are you facing the challenge of a serious illness, whilst having hope in God the Healer? URC Minister Chris Kemshell shares his journey of being diagnosed with a terminal illness, whilst living a life of expectancy in Biblical truths of healing. ‘Cancer and the Cross’ explores the personal experience of physical and emotional pain, whilst also showing how to live in the reality and mystery of Jesus the Healer.

“If you take the time to read this book and capture a sense of the heart of the author, it will lead you to know more about the Author of life.”
Rev. Russell Winfield Dean at St Mellitus College

“This is authentic faith made plain and compelling, leaving space for the mysteries of God too. I was moved, grateful, surprised and inspired. This book will speak to your heart.”
Revd Dr Susan Durber European President of World Council of Churches

“This real life story is not only for those facing a life threatening health issue but for anyone who feels like they are facing a mountain they can’t climb. Read on and discover what is possible for you.”
Clive Urquhart Senior Pastor of Kingdom Faith Church 

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