Awake, Emerging, and Connected: Meditations on Justice from a Missing Generation

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The second book from Dr Victoria Turner, a former member of URC Youth and the URC Church Life Review Group, one of the speakers at the URC’s 50th anniversary service in 2023 and a Lecturer at Ripon College Cuddesdon, Oxford, Awake,  Emerging and Connected looks at how Millennials and Gen Z-ers have been characterised as individualistic capitalist consumers, as politically unengaged and spiritually selfish, or only interested in identity politics.

This edited collection, bringing together younger generations of theologians, activists, campaigners, artists, and those working in politics, academia, the church, economics, or community work, offers a new narrative of justice- one that is globally aware and actively intersectional. Bringing together powerful young voices with a wealth of contextually grounded experiences of faith and justice, spreading over Mexico, India, Nagaland, Germany, Wales, Ecuador, South Africa, Palestine, Brazil, Canada, Indonesia, Scotland, England and the Pacific, the chapters in this book imagine daring new possibilities.

Together the chapters reveal a generation who face a burning, politically and religiously right-leaning, egotistical world, and who know clearly that the legacies of Empire, which continue white hegemony, patriarchy, heterosexuality, normalized cisgender identities, the class war, colonial debts, Western epistemology, and ecological extraction, must be overcome and replaced by a transnational solidarity of resistance and reimagination.

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